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Bibs Loops - Vanilla / Sage / Olive

BIBS 5713795215997 900234 579
Crtični kod: 5713795215997
SKU kod: 900234
Bibs Loops - Vanilla / Sage / Olive


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Na zalihi
9,95 €
9,95 €

Now you can get the toy rings for hanging in the car seat, pram, changing station, playpen etc. in numerous colours from the popular Danish manufacturer Bibs. 

Mix the colours or keep it simple, you decide which colours you want. 

The rings are made of  Polypropylene (PP) and contains no harmful ingredients. Polypropylene is safe to use for food since it does not emit harmful chemistry. It is neutral in taste and smell. In addition it is easy to recycle.  

Tehnički podaci

Proizvođač: BIBS Denmark ApS, Høgevej 19, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark ;